Organizations in Germany that support the “Solidarity”

In the years 1980-1981  „Solidarność” could count mainly on the support of the German unionists,

Especially from the DGB ( German trade unions). Solidarność could also count on the favour of the Evangelic church . The church helped in preparing a visit of Lech wałęsa, who was invited by the DGB, to  RFN (Federal Republic of Germany ) –  The private Evangelic Academy in Loccum – joined in as a mediating party for the event.

NSZZ Solidarity Supported  some of the politicians  from the social democracy which was in power up until 1982 as well as the Christian democracy which was the opposition at the time.  For example, representatives of the left wing in the SPD had in 1981 . sought to create a representation of "Solidarity" in Germany.

During the martial law In Poland In Western Germany emerged a difference In attitudes of the society and the politicians towards Solidarity.

While the politicians took an opportunistic stance, The citizens of the RFN Provided active help to the Poles as well as manifested their support (on the 30 january 1982 hundred thousands of people went to the streets in 100 cities).

Similar to 13.12.1981 Solidarity was supported by the DGB. The group created the Association called “Solidarity with Poland- DGB e.V” and sent to Poland gifts of overall value of 3,5 million marks ( up till the year 1992).

The people of western Germany provided support to Solidarity during their visits in Poland during which they proceeded it act in conspiracy. In addition, financially supported formed in March 1982 . Information Office of "Solidarity" in Bremen , whose task was to coordinate assistance for the compound in the country and the activities of solidarity groups in Germany and invited  L. Walesa for a visit to Germany.

It occurred in September 1989 . The German Association of Journalists offered some very needed help to the Polish people that had lost their jobs.

The local postmen  and Industry associations also offered their support to the Polish work unions.

The German caritas proved to be a huge help to the polish oppressed citizens.

In the years 1981-1989 Diocese of Essen in the Ruhr gave gifts with a value of 27 million deutsche mark.

One cannot fail to mention the support of the West German students, organized under the aegis of IGFM (International Society for the Defense of Human Rights in Frankfurt), they supported financially, the polish citizens that were repressed for political reasons, till the year 1984. - As symptomatic first shipment went to Gdansk.

It had primarily a charity role, but sometimes they also smuggled to equipment to PRL(eg. A printing press) for the underground movement of "Solidarity".

In the Federal Republic of Germany in the 80s a lot of Polish organizations arose in several cities.

In March of 1982. a gathering was held up (with the support of DGB) coordinating 27 activists and members of the "Solidarity" in Düsseldorf.

Unfortunately, most of those in exile organization were not in permanent in their existence.

Among the exceptions there was the Defence Committee of Solidarity (since 1983. under the name Solidarity Association) formally established in March 1982. in West Berlin which survived until the end of the 80s.

It , among other things,  supported repressed activists of "Solidarność" in the country and co-organized demonstrations and press conferences in West Germany. The comitee also supported the emigrants from the PRL.

Certainly the most important Polish-emmigrant organizations in Germany also belonged Solidarity Working Group Eschweiler-Aachen formally established in February 1983., first in Eschweiler.r and in fact, it worked before, organizing help for the families of the internees.

It supported the underground "Solidarność" financially, as well as to the country by sending the necessary equipment (eg. Printing machines). The group also helped other organizations underground, for example. The maverick Student Association and Fighting Solidarity. It operated until 1991. At the end of 1983. On the initiative of supporting the underground "Solidarność" workers Polish Section of Radio Free Europe was founded  Solidarity of the Free Poles in Bavaria.

On the one hand, it was involved in helping the country through equity and charity events, on the other organized exhibitions, lectures and protests. It operated  until the late 80's.

Other important pro-Solidarność Polish organizations in West Germany were: Solidarity Working Group of Cologne, the Working Group Solidarity with Mainz, Polish Club of Hamburg (established in 1968).,

Polish Club of Hanover and the Committee of Solidarity with Mainz. They organized information campaigns in Germany, help for the repressed opposition activists in the country and smuggling of printing equipment and forbidden in communist literature. Of course, these diaspora organizations involved in various ways in helping the country, including the underground "Solidarity" could be far more numerous.